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1D3A6956 | der neugierige grimmig schauende Papagei - Realized with Pictrs.com1D3A6994 | Regenbogen Lori - Realized with Pictrs.com1D3A7045 | Verträumt am Morgen - Realized with Pictrs.com1D3A7132 | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.com1D3A7337 | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.comFalke1 | Wanderfalke auf Futtersuche - Realized with Pictrs.comFalter1.1 | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.comFalter1.2 | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.comFalter1.5 | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.comFalter1.7 | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.comFalter2.3 | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.comFalter2.8 | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.comFalter2.9 | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.comFalter3.1 | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.comFalter4.1 | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.comIMG_1165 | Bunte Vogelwelt - Realized with Pictrs.comIMG_1224 | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.comIMG_3182 | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.comPapagei2 | Regenbogen Lori - Realized with Pictrs.comPinguin 2 | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.comPortrait Tiger | Portrait Aufnahme eines Tigers - Realized with Pictrs.comSteinbock2 | Der Steinbock im Tal - Realized with Pictrs.comWaran1 | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.comWaschbär1 | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.comWolf1 | Nahaufnahme eines Wolfs - Realized with Pictrs.comZitronenfalter2 | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.comaffe0.3 | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.comaffe01 | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.comaffe4 | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.comaffe5 | da staunt aber einer beim Essen ?? - Realized with Pictrs.comaffenportrait2.1 | Der traurige Affe in einem Regenschauer - Realized with Pictrs.comamsel1.1 | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.combasstöpel1 | Die Landung auf den Felsenklippen der Nordsee - Realized with Pictrs.combär3.2 | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.comcharlie | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.comeisvogel | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.comelch2.1 | der scheue Elch - Realized with Pictrs.comerdmännchen1 | Erdmännchen auf seinem WACHPOSTEN - Realized with Pictrs.comfalter2.1 | Makro Aufnahme eines Edelfalters - Realized with Pictrs.comfaul | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.comfisch3.3 | die Tiefsee Welt - Realized with Pictrs.comfischotter1.1 | der fauchende Fischotter - Realized with Pictrs.comfish01 | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.comflamingo0_3 | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.comflusspferd1 | das schlafende Flusspferd - Realized with Pictrs.comfuchs1 | in Deckung schauender Fuchs - Realized with Pictrs.comfütterung2.1 | BEI DER Fütterung des jungen Sperlings - Realized with Pictrs.comgeier1 | der Gyps ist einer der größten  Vogelarten mit einer Flügelspannweite von fast 3m - Realized with Pictrs.comgelbpapagei1 | süßer schauender Papagei - Realized with Pictrs.comgepard | ein ruhender Gepard - Realized with Pictrs.comgiraffe1 | Giraffe auf Futtersuche - Realized with Pictrs.comgorilla-2 | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.comgorilla1 | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.comgorilla2.1-2 | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.comgorilla2.8.1 | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.comgorilla2.9 | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.comheidelibelle1 | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.comhirsch2 | der starke Hirsch in der Brunftzeit - Realized with Pictrs.comjungvögel1 | Mutter mit ihrem jungen Sperling Sprößling - Realized with Pictrs.comkamel | Die Wüste lebt.. - Realized with Pictrs.comkamelion | Farbenprächtig  - Realized with Pictrs.comkang | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.comkoala | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.comkoala1.1 | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.comkoala1.4.5 | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.comkroko1 | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.comkuscheln1 | Körperpflege - Realized with Pictrs.comlemur | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.comlemure1 BW | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.comlibsw2.2 | Nahaufnahme einer Libelle in schwarz weiss - Realized with Pictrs.comluchs01 | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.comluchs1.4 | Der wachsame Luchs auf Futtersuche - Realized with Pictrs.comluchs3 | der Luchs in deutschen Wäldern - Realized with Pictrs.comlöwe0.1 | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.comlöwe1-2 | der Löwe löscht seinen Durst an einer Wasserpfütze - Realized with Pictrs.comlöwe2.2 | Der brüllende Löwe erwartet Aufmerksamkeit - Realized with Pictrs.commalibu | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.commaribu1.3 | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.commöwe1.1jpg | der Schalfplatz einer Möwe auf der Nordsee - Realized with Pictrs.comnasenbär | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.comnasenbär0.1 | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.comnashorn1 | Der mächtige an einen Wasserloch mit Spiegelung - Realized with Pictrs.comotter0.1.1 | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.comotter01 | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.compapagei1.3 | Nahaufnahme eine sRegenbogen Lori - Realized with Pictrs.compapagei2.1 | DER BALU PAPAGEI Bei der Körperpflege - Realized with Pictrs.compapagei2.2 | der Ara bei der Körperpflege - Realized with Pictrs.compapagei3.1 | Ara in einer Portrait Fotoaufnnahme - Realized with Pictrs.compelikan0.1 | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.compinguin | bitte freundlich lächeln - Realized with Pictrs.compiran.4 | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.comreh2 | Vorsichtiges Reh - Realized with Pictrs.comreiher1.1 | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.comroter milan | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.comrotmilan1.1 | Grimmig schaut er auf Futtersuche - Realized with Pictrs.comschimpanse | heute keine Lust........ - Realized with Pictrs.comschnee eule1 | im winterlichen Revier - Realized with Pictrs.comwanderfalke1 | der Wanderfalke auf Futtersuche - Realized with Pictrs.comwaran | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.comwaran01 | Rolf Wittke  - Realized with Pictrs.comzebra | Zebras lieblich schauend - Realized with Pictrs.comäffchen | einsames kleines Äffchen zum knuddeln - Realized with Pictrs.comäffchen4 | neugierig schauende und traschende Affen - Realized with
